Steve Sack, the syndicated cartoonist (Page A6, Dec. 3) responsible for the caricature of Nancy Pelosi wearing a “Make Democrats Stagnate Again” cap, and flashing Richard Nixon’s notorious “I am not a crook!” gesture, seems to have forgotten the frustrating experiences of the past eight years with the actual architects of “stagnation politics.”

At the outset of President Obama’s first term, Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell promised to obstruct virtually any attempt to pass meaningful legislation that Democrats might propose, however popular and potentially helpful to American citizens.

At that time, and periodically since, I am reminded of a stubborn 6-year-old brought reluctantly by his mother to my psychiatric practice. He quickly made clear his feelings about any possible discussion of his problems by hiding under my desk, covering his ears with his hands, while loudly and repeatedly declaring, “Blah, blah, blah. I’m not listening to you!”

Ironically, the story across from the cartoon describes Obama’s push for Senate passage of the 21st Century Cures Act, potentially committing $1 billion to expand treatment resources to address our national opioid epidemic. According to the story, Maine might be eligible for up to $4 million over two years.

At a time when our state and probably others are losing an average of one person every day, we can only hope that Mitch McConnell doesn’t still have his hands over his ears in a dangerously mean-spirited attempt to block an Obama legacy at whatever cost in human life.

James H. Maier, M.D.


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