My wife, Sherry, and I have a very simple wish. It is that no veteran be homeless.

Everyone knows that our veterans have served and protected this country at great sacrifice to themselves and their families. They and their families have allowed the rest of us to be where we are today, as well as enjoy all the freedoms that we have.

There is no reason, that we can think of, that our government cannot provided housing for those veterans who cannot provide housing for themselves. The term “homeless veteran” is a negative testimony to how we “thank”our veterans for their service. This term should be stricken from our vocabulary forever!

Some suggestions to rectify this situation may include converting closed bases to free housing, taking tips from Habitat for Humanity to provide housing. Cost? How do you put a value on our freedoms thanks to our veterans?

So, thinking back to the wonderful Christmas meal you had with family and friends, think about all the veterans who spent Christmas on the streets. No presents, fine meal or warm home to enjoy. Ask yourself, “Why do we allow this to happen to those who’ve protected and defended our way of life?”

Steven C. Pomelow


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