Scott Pruitt has spent much of his career challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to protect public health. In particular, as Oklahoma’s attorney general, he tried to undermine the rule aimed at limiting air pollution blowing across state boundaries.

State Sen. Garrett Mason (Maine Voices, Jan. 5) thinks Mr. Pruitt is a good choice to be the EPA’s next chief. Is Sen. Mason, whose work in the Legislature gets a poor 24 percent lifetime rating by the Maine League of Conservation Voters, aware that high sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions blown in from other states have made Maine “the tailpipe of America,” with some of the country’s highest asthma rates?

We ask U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King to oppose Mr. Pruitt’s nomination in favor of an EPA administrator who will protect Mainers’ health.

Thomas Urquhart

former executive director, Maine Audubon

Andrew Cadot

former president, Maine Audubon



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