Over the last 10 years, I have been a board member for a community health center that serves both New Hampshire and Maine residents. As a result of this affiliation, I have acquired considerable knowledge about federal and state health care policy.

Whether it be “high-risk insurance pools,” block grants, elimination of marketplace subsidies or state-authorized flexibility to reduce health insurance benefits, the emerging tenets of this renewed effort by U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and the Trump administration to “repeal and replace” Obamacare is yet another shade of lipstick on the pig.

To suggest that any renewed proposal by Ryan and the Trump administration be in the best interests of Maine and its residents is blatantly false. If enacted in any version, this emerging legislative proposal will impose profound hardship on tens of thousands of Maine’s middle class, its seniors and its less fortunate citizens.

To my fellow residents of Maine, many of you who may not yet understand the extent to which this renewed proposal will negatively impact your lives, I implore you to urge U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin to reject this emerging proposal in any form.

Tom Newbold

Kittery Point

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