I applaud the hundreds of thousands of people who, because they care about the threats to the earth’s capacity to sustain human life into the future, marched in Augusta, in New York, in Washington and around the country on April 29. Now it is time to get to work to maintain the momentum. Studies have shown that marches alone do not usually generate results. Ongoing organized political action is essential if we are to keep the increase in average global temperature below 2 degrees. Now is the time to act on both local and national levels. For example, attend Portland City Council meetings and write your councilor in support of Portland’s 100% Clean Energy by 2014 resolution. Meet with your state senator and representative and urge them to support solar legislation (LD 1373, LD 1444, LD 1124 and LD 1313). Contact Sens. King and Collins and Reps. Pingree and Poliquin and tell them you support climate action now. Join an organization such as 350 Maine, the Sierra Club’s Portland Climate Action Team, which supports mitigation efforts on a local level, or Citizens’ Climate Lobby, which advocates for a federal carbon fee and dividend legislation. Action on the personal level is also vital: reduce your own carbon footprint by taking the bus or walking, weatherizing your home, buying an electric car, installing solar panels, eating less meat, etc. Talk to everyone you know about why this is important to you. Don’t let a day go by without doing something. The future of the human race depends upon it.

Sarah Braik


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