WESTBROOK — City Administrator Jerre Bryant is expected to be the next president of the Greater Portland Council of Governments.

Bryant, who currently serves as GPCOG’s second vice president, was expected to be voted in as president Wednesday night, after the American Journal deadline. He was nominated by GPCOG’s executive committee on May 17.

GPCOG is a regional, nonprofit planning agency representing 26 cities and towns, and Cumberland County. Bryant has served on the organization’s executive board for four years.

“Often you get wrapped up in your own duties, but I try to give some time to regional organizations because they offer opportunities for communities to collaborate,” he said last week.

Bryant will be replacing outgoing GPCOG president Matt Sturgis. Sturgis, who was the Gray Town Council chairman when he started as president, is now the town manager of Cape Elizabeth

Sturgis said he thinks Bryant will be a great president for the organization.


“I very much enjoy working with Jerre and find his perspectives and honesty a pleasure to be around,” Sturgis said. “His leadership style, dynamic personality, experience, and ability to understand varying perspectives will all be to the benefit of the organization.”

During his two-year term as president, Bryant will set agendas, run monthly meetings and participate in outreach for the organization. He said he’s looking forward to having a more involved position on the board.

“It’s a strong organization and I think it plays an important role in the region,” he said.

Bryant said he wants to work on stormwater management in the region and find ways for communities to collaborate on various services. He said it’s always beneficial when municipalities can work together.

The Westbrook city administrator said he’s also looking forward to working closely with GPCOG’s executive director, Kristina Egan.

“The one talent or value I think I bring to the organization most will be working with Kristina on the strength of the organization and how they’re managing finances so they can be viable and sustainable into the future,” Bryant said.


Egan, who has been with GPCOG since July 2016, is a former Freeport town councilor. Bryant said this makes her easier to work with because she has the perspective of working in town government.

“She has a real understanding of municipalities and the needs of a community,” he said.

Egan said Bryant also understands the needs of the region and she knows he’ll be a strong person to work with through various issues.

“I’m looking forward to working with Jerre as GPCOG starts a new chapter of work to help the region’s cities and towns address pressing issues, like growing jobs, helping people age in place, strengthening public transportation and reducing opiate misuse,” she said.

Egan said Bryant is known as “a thoughtful and articulate voice for cities and towns working together” and that this will be useful as GPCOG’s president.

“When cities and towns work together on regional challenges, they accomplish much more than each municipality could do on its own,” Egan said. “Jerre understands this.”

Kate Gardner can be reached at 781-3661 ext. 125 or kgardner@theforecaster.net. Follow her on Twitter: @katevgardner.

Westbrook City Administrator Jerre Bryant was expected to be sworn in on May 31 as the next president of the Greater Portland Council of Governments.

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