Re: “Drums, whoops and war paint: Team spirit, or racial mockery?” (Oct. 16):

When I attended Kennbunk High School (1966 to 1967), Wells High School was a school rival. They cheered then as they do today. I and others never found it derogatory then, and I don’t find it derogatory today.

I don’t know what the Lisbon mother’s problem is; her son (the Lisbon High School quarterback) isn’t the one who is making the accusations, but in the end it will hurt him more than her. She needs to step back and realize the outcomes might be more than she will like – or maybe what she is looking for is attention. In that case, I feel sorry for her son.

She’s the one who needs to apologize to Wells High School and the community.

This is not the way to look for attention.

Chuck Billings


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