The Maine Legislature has unanimously reauthorized Maine’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. This is good news for the state and its citizens. The reductions in pollution have made significant improvement in the air we breathe. This is especially good news for those suffering from asthma and other breathing difficulties.

In a time when our federal government is heading in the wrong direction on fossil fuels, this is a good step. Cap and trade is a relatively effective way to reduce production and produce funds for efficiency improvements. However, this is a regional plan. The New England states are at the end of the “tailpipe” of pollution from Western states.

The bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, now 72 U.S. representatives and growing, is committed to curbing CO2 emissions. One of the plans that they are interested in pursuing is the Citizens’ Climate Lobby carbon fee and dividend: imposing a nationwide fee on fossil fuel production that rises yearly on a per-ton basis. The money collected would be distributed directly to the American people in a monthly check, thus offsetting the likely rise in products using fossil fuels.

I feel optimistic that we will find our way to effective mitigation of the warming and climate changes that all residents of planet Earth are experiencing. There is still time, although less with each passing month. It is critical that we act now. All Mainers should contact their representatives and urge them to stop the greenhouse gas threat.

Karen Tolstrup


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