Did anyone take note that if Andrew McCabe had not been fired as deputy FBI director, he would have been able to draw his pension and retire with full benefits to another job at age 49?

One can understand military personnel, police officers and firemen or women, who are in harm’s way, being able to receive a pension after 20 years. But someone sitting at a desk, making $100,000 a year? It’s hard to feel sorry for Mr. McCabe and several hundred thousand other federal employees, who work for agencies with a special designation that allows retirement with 20 years of service at any age. After all, any federal government employee can retire at age 55 with 30 years of service.

This is perhaps even harder to take, when most people cannot draw their full Social Security benefit until age 66, and are usually wrongfully encouraged to wait until age 70 to apply for benefits to get more money.

Peter Clifford


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