Janet Mills, Maine’s attorney general and candidate for governor, will be a very different role model for our young future women leaders than Gov. LePage!

She has shown our girls how to balance home, family and career, and how to succeed. Before becoming attorney general, Mills raised five daughters while simultaneously serving as the first woman district attorney in New England, multi-tasking three counties at the same time. She’s also the only Democratic candidate for governor to have served on the House Appropriations Committee, where she mastered the budget. She’ll hit the ground running as governor on Day One!

Through her interactions with Gov. LePage, Janet Mills has taught our girls they don’t have to tolerate vicious, mean and nasty abuse when they do the right and legal thing. And she’s taught them that if they study hard, and focus on their personal competency, they will prevail.

She’s taught our girls that it’s OK to fight for safety in their classrooms, for health care, for education, for taxpayers and small businesses, and to fight to make our state a better place, and that they can win – beating scofflaw LePage over and over and over in the courtroom. She’s taught them to be principled, independent, have integrity and that honesty matters. She’s taught them to disagree without being disagreeable, and to be tough and strong while being tender and gentle to those in need.

Most of what any governor does – the bills and vetoes they sign – will have a relatively short shelf life and can be undone by a successor. For us dads of daughters, there is no more important job for Janet Mills as governor than being a role model for Maine’s future women leaders. That lasts for generations, and no one can ever take that away!

Please vote for Janet Mills for governor in the June 12 Democratic primary.

Bob Jean


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