I recently had a reawakening that showed me why life in the Kennebunks can be so wonderful and fulfilling. Within a one-week period, I volunteered with The Center at its annual auction at the River Club Casino, and a week later I assisted with the Portland Symphony Orchestra concert at the Waterhouse Center in downtown Kennebunk.

It was such fun and so heartening to see how many folks turned out for the auction. The proceeds enable The Center to continue to offer fabulous, unique programs and services that benefit local residents age 50 and up.

The following week, I volunteered with Lori Parkinson, who arranged to put on a terrific free concert by the Portland Symphony Orchestra. Their selections ranged from whimsical to spellbinding. The street was shut off, most attendees brought picnic dinners, and everyone was spirited and thrilled to be part of the festivities. When we took up collections, the donations of the attendees will allow for another PSO concert next year!

The generosity of both crowds was proof of what a kind, caring community we all share. Thank you to everyone who attended and participated!

Diane Denk


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