I remember when Cathy Breen knocked on our door in Yarmouth early in her first state Senate campaign. I was surprised much later when I met her again and she remembered my name. George Mitchell had the same gift; he remembered me months after I first met him.

This could be just a politician’s gimmick. But I think that the real gift involved is for those of us who elect them to office. Because their gift to us is that they really care about those they serve.

Cathy has other gifts that serve us. She listens well and works hard to take action to better our lives: to improve education, save the environment, increase gun safety, provide property tax relief and more.

So I strongly urge you to vote to re-elect Sen. Cathy Breen, D-Falmouth, in District 25. She knows who we are and she’s working for us.

Andrew Tonks

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