Republican Roger Seavey of Kennebunkport and Democrat Diane Denk of Kennebunk will go head-to-head to see who will be the new representative for House District 9.

Diane Denk

The district covers Kennebunkport and parts of Biddeford and Kennebunk. The incumbent, Rep. Stedman Seavey, is not running for re-election.

Denk is a teacher and tutor whose political experience includes being Maine’s Democratic National Committeewoman, a member of the Maine Democratic Committee and chairwoman of the York County Democrats.

Regarding gun violence incidents and mass shootings, Denk said, there must be safeguards to prevent criminals and the mentally ill from buying guns, while allowing gun access to hunters and collectors who are respectful owners.

Roger Seavey

Regarding health care, she said that insuring all Mainers would lower costs overall. “The outrageous cost of pharmaceuticals is another area which could be negotiated and lowered.”

To lure high-paying jobs to Maine and retain younger workers, Denk said, “students should be afforded many opportunities such as apprenticeships, work-study, and other methods of exposure prior to graduation from high school and not after attending expensive universities or training programs.”


Roger Seavey retired from the Maine Turnpike Authority in 2012. Currently, he is employed at Bradbury Bros. Market in Kennebunkport, where he lives with his wife and daughter.

Seavey’s political experience includes working as a county coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign in 2012 and serving as the former chairman of the Kennebunkport Republican Town Committee.

Regarding gun violence, Seavey said: “I do not believe that guns are the problem. The guns are a convenient scapegoat used to cover up a problem no one wants to deal with. Mental illness and the psychotropic drugs used to treat it are the real problem.”

He said people should be able to shop across state lines for health insurance as a way to drive down costs.

To lure high-paying jobs to Maine and retain younger workers to work, Seavey said Maine should “assist our technical schools in developing training programs in the growing high-tech industries, (and offer) tax breaks to help make it affordable to move here and set up shop.” He also said there’s a need for more affordable housing.

Dina Mendros can be contacted at 780-9014 or at:

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