I am compelled to write, however belatedly, to express my gratitude to U.S. Sen. Susan Collins for her courageous and thoughtful consideration of her vote on whether to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this fall. Irrespective of her actual vote, the fact that she resisted declaring her intentions before the hearings had concluded was a profile in courage so rarely found in Washington – or any halls of government – these days.

With each passing day leading up to the vote, the pressure on her and her staff, both in Washington and Maine, increased substantially. The easy and expedient path would have been to announce how she intended to vote days or weeks before she did.

Instead, to her great credit, Senator Collins stuck to her principles of gathering all of the relevant evidence for and against the nominee, considering all of the relevant opinions, and then casting a vote based on her reasoned analysis. (Starkly contrasted to Senator Collins’ approach was that of most of her colleagues on both sides of the aisle, some of whom announced their support or opposition the day President Trump put Judge Kavanaugh’s name forward.)

Thanks are due to Senator Collins for her bravery and thoughtfulness and adherence to her principles despite withering pressure from many corners. Our country would be well-served by more elected officials following her rational and reasoned approach.

Geoff O’Hara


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