The CIA recently concluded that the gruesome murder of journalist and U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi was “almost definitely” ordered by Saudi Crown Prince (and one of the richest investors in the world) Mohammad Bin Salman, also known as MBS. To reiterate: A U.S. journalist and resident of our country was strangled, then dismembered with a bone saw. The Trump administration has yet to condemn the killing and call out MBS for this heinous abuse of power, citing Saudi airplane and arms purchases and the need for leverage in the war in Yemen.

But I say again: A major head of state ordered the murder of an American journalist. Why can’t President Trump say that?

Well, the theory goes something like this: We are witnessing a financial long-game played out in real time by a narcissistic, kleptocratic president. Russian oligarchs are long Trump assets and hold Trump Organization debt. The Saudis, too. Again: Two brutal world regimes hold our president and his family hostage over current (and promised future) investments in real estate.

The speculation here is real and has lasting consequences for our republic. But the time to act is now: We have a dead (and dismembered) U.S. journalist who would be alive but for the executive orders of MBS – a likely Trump organization investor. Until we know that this is not the case, the legislative branch must insist on seeing Trump’s tax returns. If U.S. inaction on Khashoggi’s death goes unpunished, we’re all complicit in his murder.

Brad Smith


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