We deserve a government that’s open for business and working to deliver the services that keep our nation healthy and strong. Instead, we are witnessing havoc on public lands and bearing the effects of a further crippled Environmental Protection Agency. Without funding, the agency’s essential work – to monitor the quality of our air and water, and protect the health of our children – is on hold.

In Maine, Acadia National Park is operating with a skeleton crew, with no one to plow roads and with bathrooms and trash bins inaccessible. If the shutdown continues, we could see delays to maintenance projects and an impact to summer tourism.

It’s time to end the government shutdown, and the House has passed a spending package that would do just that. I am thankful that Maine Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King, along with many of their colleagues, have been voices of reason on this matter.

It’s unfortunate there are still many in the Senate who continue to stonewall. I urge them to place the more than 800,000 unpaid civil servants, the right to clean water and air and the integrity of our federal government above politics. Let’s get back to work.

Jesse McMahon


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