The recent op-ed by Hydro-Quebec’s paid, in-house scientists to try to make their biased case for Central Maine Power’s proposed transmission line (Jan. 15) is exactly the kind of publicity and false transparency that I have come to expect from the company and CMP.

As an attorney who has been deeply involved in well over a hundred hours of testimony before the Public Utilities Commission, I can tell you that Hydro-Quebec has never made itself available to the PUC or any parties to answer questions on the record or provide verifiable evidence in support of statements they are making in op-eds and online. The company has consistently refused to show up to discuss the details of their claims in any public forum before any permitting agencies reviewing this project.

On top of this, CMP’s lawyers have worked tirelessly at the PUC to keep key documents secret. Maine people deserve the right to see all the facts in his case. Scores of organizations have joined the Natural Resources Council of Maine in concluding that this project is a bad deal for Maine.

CMP and Hydro-Quebec have a big public relations operation, while trying to hide the real facts. This should lead us all to ask, “What are they afraid of?”

Sue Ely

policy advocate and staff attorney, Natural Resources Council of Maine


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