I am surely not the only one simply ecstatic beyond words that Phil Spiller, Jr. has decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and run for Mayor. I have been involved in numerous exciting projects through multiple administrations in Westbrook personally and through my WEIC position, and it seems to me the common denominator on these great projects is Phil Spiller. His extensive knowledge of our history, vision of our future, passion, energy, enthusiasm, and love of Westbrook. I can honestly say is unmatched in Westbrook. When I look around Westbrook and see all of the great things happening, these things do not happen without effort, vision, intelligence, dedication and knowledge of our city.  Phil has been involved in these projects/boards/task forces such as: Rock Row, Discover Downtown Westbrook, Westbrook Recreation and Conservation, obtained grants for Warren Park restoration, hosting the President of Main Street  America, the Main Street Façade program, promoting small business openings, and many other community building events.

Phil Spiller is exactly what this city needs right now.

Robert Mitchell, 


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