One Gray neighborhood held a block party on Saturday, April 4, while maintaining social distancing. Neighbors stepped outside to reconnect and have some fun during the state’s stay at home order. Photo by Marilyn Keating-Porcaro

Streamed story time

Story Time with Mrs. George will continue on Facebook Live unless otherwise noted. Story time is at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Go to the Gray Public Library’s Facebook page and click on the videos button to join the live stream.

Books can be accessed virtually via cloudLibrary. Visit for a direct link.

Town updates

All town buildings will remain closed to the public until May 4.

Two individuals will be processing various mail and tax payments received via the mail or from the drop box for a few hours each morning at Town Hall.

Code Enforcement Officers will be performing inspections in the field with the exception of renovations in homes that are currently lived in.

Town budget meetings will be recorded and made available online in the town’s meeting portal.


Water main flushing

The Gray Water District will be conducting system-wide flushing of the water mains to clean them of rust and sediment that settles during periods of low flows.

Flushing began April 15 and may be ongoing until May 15. During this process you may experience some discoloration in the water and possibly some sediment gathering in faucet strainers. If this occurs, remove the strainers and flush some water through until it comes clear, clean the strainers and reinstall them. If you experience continuing problems, call the District at 657-3500.

Committee volunteers

Do you have an interest in public communication and community television? Would you like to help keep the Town of Gray and its Town Council informed of such things like public, educational and government related matters? A new committee was created on March 24 to do just that, and is now seeking volunteers

Marilyn Keating-Porcaro can be contacted at

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