Maine will be entering the third stage of reopening on July 1, with more businesses starting up, including bowling alleys, movie theaters, amusement parks, arcades, spas and overnight summer camps.

What will that mean if you want to go bowling or catch a movie this summer? The Maine Department of Economic and Community Development released “checklists” on Wednesday, giving guidelines to business owners and customers on what reopening looks like while the novel coronavirus pandemic continues.

Will I have to wear a mask?

Yes at indoor locations, with the exception of when you are eating or drinking. So if you’re sitting at the movies and eating popcorn, you can take the mask off. When you’re done with the popcorn and soda, put the mask back on. At an outdoor amusement park if the park is crowded, customers are expected to wear masks. If it is not crowded, it is not required, but “strongly recommended to wear face coverings even when physically distanced.”

Will I have to keep my distance?

Yes. Similar to when you go grocery shopping, your group should stay at least 6 feet apart from other groups, including when standing in line or waiting your turn to play a game.


Many venues will likely have tape markings on the floor and signage to remind people to keep their distance. Because shared spaces, such as movie theaters, will be required to have 50 or fewer people, it should be easier to maintain distance. The venue should be keeping track of customers to make sure not too many people are in the same location at the same time.

What about disinfecting?

Cleaning protocols will be increased at all locations, including extra cleaning of restrooms and disinfecting common touch surfaces, such as arcade games or seat handles. Hand sanitizers will be placed throughout the facilities.

You may be required to wash hands before and after participating in an activity.

What else will be different?

You will probably notice a lot of changes compared to before the pandemic, such as more screening to protect workers, less standing in lines and financial transactions occurring before arriving at the venue. There will be less mingling among groups of people, so for instance, a venue may require that people wait outside prior to the event beginning to limit crowds gathering in a lobby.

You will likely see lots of signs reminding customers of the rules.

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