Regional School Unit 21 voters approved a $51.5 million budget for the fiscal year and agreed to spend $250,000 from capital reserves to improve track and field facilities at Kennebunk High School.

School district voters approved improvements to the Kennebunk High School track facility. Dan King photo
Interim Superintendent Stephen Marquis said the 72.3 percent voter approval of the district budget was the highest approval rating of the 12 budgets developed in the history of the district.
Arundel voters approved the budget 580-197, Kennebunk, 2,535-1,082 and Kennebunkport, 934-273.
The majority of voters in Arundel, Kennebunk and Kennebunkport balked at the third referendum question, which asked them to approve paying each member of the RSU 21 Board of Directors $25 for each full board meeting they attend.
In Arundel, 443 voters said no while 337 said yes to the $25 meeting stipend. In Kennebunk, 2,293 voters said no, and 1,340 said yes. In Kennebunkport, there were 686 no votes and 536 yes votes.
In Kennebunkport, 757 voters agreed to the expenditure of up to $250,000 from capital reserves for track and field improvements at the high school. In Kennebunk, 2,052 agreed and 1,580 did not. In Arundel, 379 said no, and 305 said yes.
In Kennebunk, Arthur LeBlanc and Dawn Therrien were elected to the RSU 21 School Board. Both were unopposed.
In Arundel, Ken Levesque was unopposed in his bid for RSU 21 School Board.
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