Mary Ann Lynch, in her Maine Voices column (Portland Press Herald, July 18) accurately credits Sen. Susan Collins with a legacy of bipartisanship for which Mainers can be proud. But the article leaves out a crucial fact: A vote for Susan Collins is also a vote for Mitch McConnell, whose leadership has been about “power without purpose” and shutting down any bipartisanship initiatives.

From “ensuring that Barak Obama is a one term president” to declaring that the Senate would not convict Donald Trump before hearing the evidence, to a long list of efforts to maintain partisan gridlock, Sen. McConnell epitomizes “the swamp” that Washington has become.

Maine has a more than capable alternative in Sara Gideon. Sen. Collins cannot rest on her laurels. It is time to retire her as well as Sen. McConnell.

Paul Bartlett
South Portland

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