As a former certified teacher, I never thought I would live to see the day that politics could be allowed to overrule science, as is being done with such abandonment now.

Why not extend the school summer vacation for another three months? I know it creates extra problems for parents, but in the interest of safety, this would give those working on how to control this virus much-needed extra time to, hopefully, get a handle on this pandemic.

Go back to school too early and, God forbid, everybody associated with the system risks the possibility of not only coming down with this virus but even dying. Something to think about! Yes. This is a double-edged sword but, again, what is the alternative?

The national teachers union and its affiliates have told their members, essentially, “If you don’t see or feel it is safe to go back to school, then you should not go back.” Very sad.

Those of us in Maine appear to be under the illusion that this virus is only happening south of us. In central and northern Maine and, from my perception, based on what I am seeing, many are not paying attention to what is being said on TV, in newspapers and on the internet about masks, social distancing, small crowds, etc.

Let’s all hope and pray – and we all should – that Dr. Anthony Fauci never has to say, “I told you so.”

Frank Slason


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