Susan Collins won despite the deluge of out-of-state funding funneled into Sara Gideon’s campaign, which raised $68.5 million to Collins’ $26.5 million.

Yet her win is also a win for America; we need senators like Collins more than ever.

Maine is by no means demographically representative of the U.S. However, from our coastline cities to our rural potato farms, Mainers are representative in terms of diversity of thought and experience.

Viewed through a narrow lens, Maine is as polarized as the rest of the nation. Yet in truth, our differences aren’t deal-breakers – and Collins understands this.

She is thoughtful, considerate and deliberate in every opinion she voices and every vote she casts. She doesn’t go along party lines to score points; she understands that both parties play political Ping Pong and that the blame game hurts everyone. Collins is tough, yet compassionate. She’s principled and patient.

She’s what every elected official should be. Unlike many senior-ranking senators, Collins hasn’t let her position corrupt her actions. In a representative democracy, elected officials are tasked with the work, research and due diligence we can’t do, and they represent us in good faith.

I don’t agree with everything Collins does, but I always know that she did her research. Regardless of the presidential race, Collins’ victory is a victory for America. It’s confirmation that democracy works, that there is Good in politics, and that differences should strengthen our resolve to work together.

Isobel Michaud

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