Just as the charity helps all children no matter what holidays they celebrate, the Press Herald Toy Fund has all kinds of donors.

Many give in memory of loved ones. Others include a message of hope for brighter days ahead.

And then there’s an anonymous donor and fan of Christmas movies whose cheeky messages just make us smile.

Yes, we see you.

What caught our attention was a recent donation with this message attached:

“Merry Christmas and a jelly-of-the-month subscription for all! Clark Griswold – $50”


This, for those who didn’t already figure it out, is a reference to the movie “Christmas Vacation,” and Griswold’s long-awaited holiday bonus.

And that donation brought to mind this one from last year:

“From George Bailey & ZuZu – It is a wonderful life – $100”

ZuZu, of course, was the younger daughter and cutest of the Bailey clan in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

We’ll be watching to see what other classic holiday characters might make an appearance in future messages from donors.

But, in the meantime, thanks for the donations, and the smiles.


THE PRESS HERALD TOY FUND in the Spirit of Bruce Roberts uses donations from readers to provide toys to thousands of Maine children who might otherwise not receive holiday gifts because of hardships faced by their parents. Now in its 71st year, the fund serves families in York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Androscoggin, Lincoln and Knox counties.

• DONATIONS to help buy the toys can be made at pressheraldtoyfund.org or by writing checks to the Portland Press Herald Toy Fund and mailing them to the fund at P.O. Box 7310, Portland, ME 04112.

• FOR MORE INFORMATION, call 791-6672 or go to: pressheraldtoyfund.org.


In memory of my husband, Ted Brissette. Love, Evelyn $100
In memory of my best friend, Karen P. Green, in Heaven. RP $50
In honor of Pappou $500
Harriet Matthews $200
Merry Christmas! From Cocoa & Brew, in memory of Paws, Lexxi & Penny $1,000
Anonymous $250
Anonymous $5
Best Wishes! Manny Mota $100
From CHUD, who loved Christmas $100
Hannah Pingree $100
In memory of my dad, Francis Giroux, a “Brunswick boy” who was always generous to children and wanted kids to have fun … always. Merry Christmas! Sharon Giroux Panek  $50
In memory of Kenneth Cleaves and Lane Fraser, both loved Christmas! Ethel & Ernie Carmolli $50
Anonymous $100
Every child deserves a Merry Christmas! $100
Trip and Susan Mason $50
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
Merry Christmas! The Fremonts $100
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, knowing you are surrounded by a community that cares for you! Tricia Naddaff and Dan Spratt $200
Anonymous $30
For Mimi, who loved Christmas most. Leslie McKenny $50
Anonymous $100
In memory of Edward and Elizabeth Ranaghan, From Mary & Phil $50
Merry Christmas! Pine State Elevator $500
Anonymous $250
For the children, from the Runser Lynch family $100
Merry Christmas from David & Cindy Maxsimic $500
Thanks for helping kids have a Merry Christmas! Michelle Raber State Farm Agency $500
From generous Press Herald readers who are giving the gift of local journalism $1,010
In memory of Sean M. Casey and Woody Bigelow, from John and Deborah Casey $250
On behalf of Deidre and Charlie Hamblen $140
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $50
Happy Holidays, children! Zaitlin Enterprises $200
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
In memory of Charles F. Mahoney 1928-2020 $200
Anonymous $30
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! $100
Anonymous $15
Anonymous $30
Kristin and Michael Brigham $200
In honor of Scarborough bus drivers Sue (Bus 34) and Dan (Bus 31). We hope to be able to ride your buses soon! Amelia & Liam Odlin $50
Ken Krause $100
Anonymous $50
In loving memory of our parents, Bob & Betty Sawtelle, and Danny & Camilla Bellino, from Dave & Cathy $50
In loving memory of Rev. Robert Haldane Sr. and our beloved Bentley. Dave & Cathy $50
Anonymous $50
Anonymous $50
Merry Christmas! Jane Senko $100
The Gladd family $100
In honor of Mimi McHugh, the McHugh family $100
Merry Christmas! Mercedes Pour-Previti & Malik Farlow $50
Anonymous $50
In memory of our mother, Pamela $100
Thanks to the team that makes this happen! Sue $100
Anonymous $100
K. Albert $20
In memory of HHK and STB $100

Year-to-date total: $205,041.25

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