Now is the time to start thinking of ways to hold the Republican Party responsible for letting a maniac, in the guise of a president, get where he is today.

We need strength, so it is time to start replacing Democrats now in Congress with young, aggressive and intelligent members. The Democrats, with the exception of the impeachment that didn’t have a chance, have all been neutered. I have heard nothing for four years but the repetitious drone of career Democratic politicians stating the problem, never offering a solution. If you aren’t a part of the solution, you are the problem.

Our Constitution is a sunny-day, outdated rag. When the going gets tough, the Constitution offers ambiguity and old-style solutions that do not work in today’s world. We need term limits for Congress. Their retirement needs to be slashed. We need terms in the Supreme Court. We need clearances for anyone running for Congress and the White House.

We need to enforce laws prohibiting paying any federal politician from accepting cash or goods while in office. The Electoral College needs to be scrapped and the national popular vote instituted. All corporate money should be banned from our political system. Obstructionism should be banned. Politicians – including the president – should not be protected from the law and punishment.

Government shutdowns should be made illegal. All war and military action should be congressionally approved. All pardons by the president should be discontinued.

We are at risk of losing democracy in America. Without change, we are doomed.

Nelson Linscott

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