In 100 years, what will be remembered about life in Biddeford during this pandemic? If the archival record from the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1917-1918 is any benchmark — not much.

In our archives, the best resource we have to learn about life here during that time is the local newspapers. Luckily we have four different local papers from the time — the Daily Journal, the Weekly Journal, the Weekly Record, and La Justice de Biddeford; so there are a few perspectives. But there are no diaries, no letters, no manuscripts, no artifacts, no memories recorded by family members or friends about the time, and few photographs or postcards (which is saying something, given the size of that collection). Now, this lack of primary material is really nothing new — and we have become really good at piecing together local history using the newspapers, city directories, city reports, and whatever else we have on hand from those times! But just imagine, if back then, the libraries and archives and museums had got together and said “we need to figure out a way to make sure we document this time!” and collected things to tell that story. Even CRAZIER, imagine if they had said “and we REALLY want to know about life for regular people, not just those folks in positions of power” and so welcomed anyone to contribute. Well that is just what we are trying to do now.

In March 2020, some Maine libraries started talking about setting up online “community archives” as spaces where folks could document, preserve and share what was going on with this new pandemic. McArthur Library jumped on the bandwagon, and got our friends at Biddeford Historical Society and Biddeford Cultural + Heritage Center to say that between the three of us, we would figure out how to collect, care for and preserve this material! The diverse Maine librarians who started the idea formed a “collective” — now called the Maine Contemporary Archives Collaborative — where we all help each other and support this work which is new to many of us. The Maine State Library loved what we were doing and stepped in to support our work and provide hosting and websites so that any library that wished to do so could participate. In April 2020 Biddeford launched our site, Go check it out! We have photographs, drawings, paintings, poems, articles and flyers showing they many ways our community is responding to the pandemic, but we hope to have so much more. We’d LOVE to see contributions from local businesses and schools! A photo, a story, a letter to your future self … what do you think is important for future generations to know about life here since March 2020? This digital community archive exists as a space for people of all walks of life to tell their story, if they wish to do so. Students, families, makers, workers, public officials, new arrivals, old timers, summer visitors, snowbirds — however you categorize yourself, there is space for you in our community archive. Have any questions? You can call me at 207-284-4181 or email — I can’t wait to hear from you!

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