Maine has a tradition of civic duty and strong voter participation. However, there is one area where I believe we are falling short: Under current law, the 32 percent of Maine voters who are unenrolled in a party – often referred to as “independents” – are unable to participate in primary elections.

Portland election clerk Judy Smith checks in Caralee Oster at the Italian Heritage Center to vote in the July 14, 2020, Democratic primary. Rep. Grayson Lookner is sponsoring a bill this session that would allow unenrolled voters to cast one ballot in the primary of their choice. Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer, File

Given that 65 percent of general elections nationwide for legislative seats are effectively determined by the primary, it’s clear that the status quo is fundamentally undemocratic. Furthermore, party primaries are paid for by taxpayers, which means unenrolled voters are paying for elections in which they cannot vote.

Fortunately, there are several bills being proposed in the Legislature to right this wrong, improve voter access and increase voter participation by enacting semi-open primaries. Semi-open primaries would allow unenrolled voters to cast one ballot in the primary of their choice. Republicans would not be able to vote in Democratic primaries, and Democrats would not be able to vote in Republican primaries.

One of those bills (L.D. 303) is being sponsored by Rep. Grayson Lookner, and I am grateful for his leadership on this important issue. Additionally, Sens. Heather Sanborn and Ben Chipman and Reps. Benjamin Collings, Rachel Talbot Ross, Mike Sylvester and Ed Crockett have supported similar proposals in the past and will hopefully do so again this session.

Approximately 80 percent of Maine voters support opening primary elections to unenrolled voters, Public Policy Polling has found. Hopefully those with the power to enact this change will listen.

Casey McCormack

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