In his column in the March 24 Forecaster, John Balentine excoriates Gov. Mills for the measures that she has taken to try to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and praises “so-called red states led by competent, brave Republican governors” for staying open (“Restore sanity, reject Mills, reopen Maine”).

Mr. Balentine should at least have the grace to acknowledge that hundreds of Mainers remain alive who would have died if they lived in those red states. According to, the death rate from COVID per million in Maine is 544; the average rate per million among all states is 1,686. Example red state rates: Arizona, 2,314; South Dakota, 2,175; Mississippi, 2,346; Texas, 1,652; Florida, 1,531.

Maine’s success in saving lives has been achieved despite the fact that Maine has the highest average age of any state, age being the most significant risk factor for death from COVID.

I recognize that trade-offs between life and death must be made in deciding what measures should be taken in any aspect of society that involves risks. However, the trade-offs should be acknowledged, which Mr. Balentine fails to do.

Lowell D. Turnbull

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