The decision to cancel this year’s Maine Lobster Festival is steeped in unjustified fear.

It is an outdoor event (including the “restaurant”), social distancing is easy, requiring masks is easy, vaccinations and vaccinated persons by August will be high. This would almost guarantee not acquiring severe disease, even if exposed.

I mean, really, Maine cases are so relatively low, compared to others, it is almost a non-issue if one is careful and follows the rules. Yes, there may be people from away, but vaccinations in all states by August will be markedly higher.

To continue to decimate businesses that rely on summer tourism, and ruin the economic lifeline in Maine, is nonsensical. It seems to be nothing more than authoritarian government overreach, which has now frightened the population to such a degree that we are unable to function without questioning our every move.

It’s time we start to think on our own again, make common-sense and safe (they are not mutually exclusive) decisions, and stop the government fear mongering.

Please rethink this bad decision and have the Maine Lobster Festival this year!

Keith Henderson

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