I will be voting for Nicole Bezanson for reelection to the Falmouth School Board because of her lifelong commitment to the families of Falmouth.

Few people, let alone candidates, can replicate the résumé Nicole brings to this position. Born and raised in Falmouth, she chose to return home to raise her family in our special community. With children similarly aged, I have seen her leadership and involvement within the schools, at church and on the sports sidelines.

As incumbent School Board vice chair and Finance Committee chair, Nicole’s interactions with my fellow town councilors have been both professional and efficient. Specifically, her guidance in drafting, developing and delivering a sensible school budget this past year is nothing short of astounding.

In such an important year, we need leaders with experience, fairness and commitment seated at the table.

Nicole Bezanson has earned my vote and deserves your vote on June 8.

Tommy Johnson
Falmouth Town Council

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