Hope Cahan and Amy Kuhn should be reelected to the Falmouth Town Council so they can continue their commitment to protecting our town’s environment.

During their first term, they backed installation of a solar array to provide 70% of electricity needs in municipal buildings. They supported an ordinance to reduce air and noise pollution at construction sites, a measure to monitor and study pesticide and fertilizer use, the Conservation Commission’s Healthy Lawns campaign and the Highland Lake Watershed Management Plan to improve water quality in the lake.

Hope and Amy lead regional environmental and climate planning as well: Hope as president of the greater Portland bus system and Amy as chair of Greater Portland Council of Government’s Metro Region Coalition. They are keeping Falmouth in the forefront of the region’s environmental initiatives, and both even drive electrically charged cars!

Please vote for strong environmentalists Hope and Amy on June 8.

Bonny Rodden

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