The good people of our great city of Portland have put their trust in our charter commissioners, to review the most sacred document in the city’s government. This commission may be recorded as one of the most diverse in the history of our city, and the task ahead of the commissioners is monumental. I hope and pray for them to be open-minded and just, and agree to disagree.

We are a city of many political views and philosophies: liberals, progressives, conservatives; Republicans, Democrats, the Green Independents as well as those who are unenrolled. As much as commissioners may have their own political views and opinions, they took the oath of office, to uphold the health of our city. With this great power comes great responsibility, and I beseech commissioners to listen to opposing views and encourage them to view their adversaries as partners with different sets of political views and opinions.

I call on commissioners to always think of those who are not at the table and those who may not agree with them. The residents have trusted them to usher Portland into a bright future where each resident feels represented and their values are reflected in the commissioners’ work. Good luck – we are all here to support and cheer the commissioners on as they embark on this important but difficult journey.

Pious Ali
at-large member, City Council

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