My husband and I relocated to Falmouth from the French Pyrenees. People say “What? Why did you come back?”

The truth is, I love Maine. People look at me as though I’m crazy when I tell them I love swimming in the ice cold waters in Casco Bay. As a classical pianist and composer, another favorite activity is writing music about the sea. One of my recent pieces, “Underwater,” is about swimming at the Town Landing.

But things have changed, and I have felt this change most markedly this summer. I did not get that lovely chill I have in years gone by. Things are happening so quickly and so many people are unaware of the many things we can do to combat this common enemy.

Do people even know that both solar and wind power are now on a par with power from fossil fuels and, in many cases, even less expensive? Do people know about something called Carbon Fee and Dividend, which places a fee on fossil fuel-producing industries and puts money back into the pockets of American families?

I would love to see more coverage of these issues in The Forecaster, along with tips about what we might do.

Sydney Patten

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