The Maine Professional Drivers Association would like to recognize some of our supporting member companies, and their drivers, who have graciously donated their time and equipment in support of Wreaths Across America, and the work they do to honor the men and women
who have selflessly served this great nation.

ADUSA Transportation (Hannaford) will donate the use of three trucks. The first load will be driven by William McGuire to Pensacola, Florida. The second load by Dwaine Desjardins to Beaufort, South Carolina. The final load will be in the WAA Convoy, driven by Ralph Trull.

The convoy from Maine to Arlington National Cemetery will leave Narraguagus High School in Harrington, Maine, on Sunday Dec. 12. Tammy Wells file photo

Brown Dog Carriers, owned by Graig Morin, with the help of Denis Litalien and Jim Costa will pick up wreaths in Harrington, Maine. They will be delivered to Arlington, Virginia, the Bourne, Massachusetts Veterans Cemetery, and to cemeteries in Augusta, Portland and Biddeford.

For the second, year Brown Dog Carriers has committed to putting a wreath on every veteran’s gravesite in Biddeford. Hartt Transportation Systems, Inc., is volunteering two trucks to make deliveries. Its first truck, driven by James Hughes, will deliver to five stops in Massachusetts. He will then go south to deliver to the New Bern National Cemetery in New Bern, North Carolina. The second truck, driven by Ralph Johnston, will participate in the convoy delivering to Arlington National Cemetery.

Lynch Logistics will volunteer a truck driven by Ernie Crocker, Jr. to deliver a load of wreaths to WAA’s distribution hub in St. Louis.

Pottle’s Transportation will have Karl Hoffman delivering a load of wreaths to Arlington, Virginia. They will also have Ron Delnicki participating in the convoy to Arlington National Cemetery.

Walmart Transportation will deliver 16 loads throughout the country, led by General Transportation Manager Jenny Lovering of the Lewiston Distribution Center. They will also have Dave Littlefield unloading and laying wreaths at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, Florida. Additionally, Rob Balfour, with his wife, Tracey, will haul a load to Arlington National Cemetery.

The convoy from Maine to Arlington National Cemetery will leave Narraguagus High School in Harrington, Maine, on Sunday Dec. 12 at 7:45 a.m. They will make numerous stops along the way for people to view the mobile exhibit honoring veterans. The entire convoy schedule can be found at

Joshua White is publicity officer for the Maine Professional Drivers Association. He can be reached at 207-717-8988 or

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