How shocking that we have a U.S. senator who, despite her protestations to the contrary, appears to care more about not bucking the positions of the increasingly anti-democratic Republican Party than about the welfare of the people of Maine and the nation.

A state that has sent Margaret Chase Smith, Edmund Muskie, William Cohen, George Mitchell, Olympia Snowe and Angus King to the U.S. Senate surely deserves better than our currently ineffectual senior U.S. senator, Susan Collins.

Brandishing her avowed pro-choice stance, and her “moderate” reputation, she actively supported raising Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The result is that the rights women have had to control their own bodies for the last 50 years, as encoded in Roe v. Wade, hang by a thread.

As the president and the Democrats struggle to address the most pressing issue of our day, climate change, and the need for immediate action, Collins does nothing. As voting rights are increasingly imperiled, she does nothing or, worse, invokes “states’ rights.” As some members of Congress work to rescue the ungodly number of children in this country living in conditions of crippling poverty, Collins does nothing.

If Sen. Collins cannot recognize the urgency of the issues facing the nation and be willing to work for solutions, she should, in decency, resign. Maine can do better.

Sadhbh Neilan

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