I am incredibly disappointed in the Portland Press Herald for reprinting the anti-teacher, anti-union, anti-public school Bloomberg Opinion editorial (Another View, Jan. 15) that calls for, among other things, shifting funds to charter schools and loosening teacher certification requirements.

This kind of rhetoric leaves public schools holding the responsibility for keeping the economy and society afloat during an ongoing pandemic and reflects an agenda that capitalizes on a catastrophe to push the privatization of education.

The travesty here is not teacher unions, but COVID-19 and our country’s lack of a comprehensive public health plan that its citizens adhere to for the well-being of all people.

The Press Herald chose to publish this hit piece, although Maine and Portland schools have done a tremendous job staying open for in-person learning while facing incredible challenges.

The lack of a local context makes this editorial feel even more off base. If anything, we should be honoring our teachers for keeping the ship afloat, offering not just an education, but also child care; food; physical and emotional safety, and basic needs to our children.

Joanna Frankel

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