“I recently finished ‘WaterLog: A Swimmer’s Journey Through Britain’ by Roger Deakin. An entirely captivating warm and wonderful journal of an outdoor enthusiast’s quest to swim across his beloved country. A beautifully composed love letter to all of the scenic wild and not so wild waterways from southern England, through icy trout streams in Wales and onto the Lochs and ocean island crossings in Scotland. I absolutely adored this book, and his descriptions of the history, customs, flora and fauna, and humor of the locals who helped him find the often hidden places he had heard or read about in old books and swimming club ledgers. Just a treasure!” — THOMAS HALEY, Falmouth

Mainers, please email to tell us about the book on your bedside table right now. In a paragraph or two, describe the book and be sure to tell us what drew you to it. We want to hear what you are reading and why. Send your selection to pgrodinsky@pressherald.com, and we may use it as a future Bedside Table.

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