Paul LePage’s political ad says “He will turn things around.” Turning things around would undo Gov. Mills’ many accomplishments and common-sense approach to governing. Under her guidance Maine had fewer deaths during the pandemic and more vaccinated people than most states.

Maine’s economy has recovered jobs lost during the pandemic. The current unemployment rate is 2.8 percent. Janet Mills worked with Democrats, Republicans and independents to increase the “rainy day” fund to $896 million. That allowed taxpayers to receive $850 inflation relief.

Janet’s the first Maine governor to fully fund state school costs, provide free community college and increase teacher pay, and she’s cut taxes for retirees and provided significant property tax relief. She expanded health care for thousands of Mainers through the Medicaid expansion. LePage blocked the expansion.

Paul LePage will take us backward. Janet Mills is looking toward the future. Janet is always upbeat. I’ve never seen her raging mad like Paul LePage.

Deanne Danforth

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