Headlines on the Oct. 16 Telegram’s front page made me realize why I am a conservative.

You lead off with an above-the-fold story of the “Democrats outspending rivals 4 to 1 in fight for Legislature.” The media continually gauges success in politics by the size of their war chest. Sadly, these “donations” need to be paid back once in office.

Then there’s “Residents of progressive bastion focus on housing, abortion rights.” A favorite in Democratic campaign speeches is to promise to dump money into a problem with no real plan in place to spend the money appropriately. Their other favorite is to spiel rhetoric that an elected Republican will surely ban abortion. I have yet to find a Republican candidate in Maine who supports banning abortions, while I have found many Democrats – led by Gov. Mills and Reps. Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden – who state repeatedly that their opponents will vote to ban or suppress abortion in Maine. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Last, a key to the sour state of our economy, the Biden administration and the Democratic Party have bestowed on us in a mere 2½ years: “New England’s reliance on imported natural gas is driving up electric rates.” How quickly we forget that under the Trump administration, we increased drilling and fracking, producing so much natural gas that rates fell to all time lows and inventories swelled. This same Democratic Party successfully spearheaded efforts to block pipeline expansion into Maine from Pennsylvania in 2016, just as Trump initiatives for expanded drilling were implemented.

Don Davis

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