The votes have been cast, the campaigns are over, and a new year is quickly approaching. I am deeply honored to continue representing Scarborough and Gorham in the Maine Senate. Over the past few months, I spent much of my time speaking with folks across our community about their ideas and aspirations for our state, but also their concerns and challenges. Mainers are worried — and for good reason. Inflation has caused prices to go up across the board, from gas to groceries, and heating and electricity costs are staggeringly high, largely due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and disruption to global markets.

The message I heard during the campaign was clear: Relief is needed, and fast. Though the people I spoke with recognize that the factors behind these high costs are largely outside of our control, that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to do everything in our power to help. Our mission is abundantly clear as we head into the new Legislature.

Given the urgency of the situation so many are facing as we enter another Maine winter, my colleagues and I knew we had to take extraordinary measures. For us, that meant getting relief to Maine people on day one. Traditionally, the first day of a new Legislature — swearing-in day — is largely a ceremonial one. Legislators, their family and friends gather at the State House to celebrate the end of a hard fought campaign and to kick off the coming year’s work. It’s a day filled with pomp and circumstance that’s typically void of much real work. This year had to be different, however.

That’s why on Wednesday, Dec. 7, we got organized in the Senate and House, elected leaders of each chamber, and got to work. In the prior weeks, leaders from both parties in the Legislature, along with Gov. Mills and her administration, had negotiated a bill that would provide this relief on day one. The legislation would have included direct $450 checks to those making $100,000 a year or less, additional support for the Home Energy Assistance Program, as well as funding for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Was the bill perfect? No – there were objections from both sides of the aisle. But my view was that drastic times called for drastic measures, and we were doing what had to be done to keep people warm and housed this winter by putting money in their pockets and bolstering existing programs.

That’s why I was incredibly disappointed that we were unable to get this done for Maine people. In the House of Representatives, the bill received resounding support from both parties. In the Senate, however, my Republican colleagues unanimously voted in opposition, while Democrats supported it. To say I am discouraged would be an understatement, and I’m incredibly concerned for those who will be left out in the cold because of this step. Now, additional action will have to wait until the new year and relief will be delayed.

Despite this setback, I know that legislative Democrats are committed to coming back to the table and getting this done for Maine people as soon as possible. I hope we can move forward and ensure that people have a home this winter and can stay warm.

Once again, thank you for trusting me to represent you in Augusta. If you have questions, ideas or comments throughout the legislative session, please feel free to contact me at or (207) 287-1515. You can also follow my Facebook page at for more frequent updates.

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