Happy New Year to all! As many people do at the start of the new year, Scarborough Community Services is reflecting back on the past year on what we have accomplished and how we have grown. We’re assessing what went well and how we can improve our processes, procedures, and services into this new year. As we forge ahead into 2023, we carry our core values of Stewardship, Inclusivity, Character, Innovation, and Health and Wellness along with us in planning future programming and events. Here’s how:

Seasonal Brochures
This past year, staff worked collaboratively in joining the 55+ programming and all other programs (youth, teen, adult) into one collective brochure. We set a timeline for each season a year in advance so that information was delivered in a timely manner to the public, affording them more time than ever before to make plans and schedule programs that work for their lifestyles and interests. Our goal moving forward is to keep a seasonal schedule so that households know when to expect registration for their favorite programs year after year.

Adult Programs
We continue to offer new programs at the Hub to get adult participants out and about. This past year we held new offerings like ballroom dance lessons, beginner cake decorating, and cookie decorating with two Smaht Cookies. We are always looking for new ideas and offerings for this age group; feel free to share with us!

Teen Programs
Community Services started a Teen Advisory Board, which meets once a month at the Hub and gives students a chance to talk to our programmers about what programs or events they want to see offered. These meetings are then followed by a special activity or event, such as our upcoming Teen Movie Night on Jan. 20. All teen nights include a pizza dinner and drinks. We also started offering early release field trips for this grade range this year, which were well received and booked well in advance. For more information or to preregister for a teen night or early release trip, please email comserv@scarboroughmaine.org.

Youth Programs
Along with our tried-and-true recreational programs we have been able to branch out and bring forward new and unique offerings, such as magic workshops, Mad Science classes, movement classes, cooking/decorating sessions, Stuff N’ Fluff and Pokémon painting events, babysitter courses, skateboarding clinics, and disc golf clinics. We continue to look for diverse offerings and are seeking out instructors to help lead these classes, such as chess or music lessons, interest clubs (like Pokemon, Bakugan, et.), exercise classes, and enrichment programs.

Community Events
One of our favorite aspects of being the town’s parks and recreation department are all of the special events we get to put on for the community. Plans have been set for the remainder of the 2023 season:
S’mores Socials at the Skating Ponds – Select Fridays (Jan. 13, Jan. 27, Feb. 10) from 6-7:30 p.m.
Family Trivia Night at the Hub – Feb. 3
“Wild Ninjas” Live Animal Shows – March 11
Mental Health Awareness Month – May
Maine Backyard Campout – July 7-9
Parks and Rec Month – July
Summerfest – Aug. 18

Got a Great Program Idea?
Scarborough Community Services is always looking for new and exciting ideas for programming and events. If you have any special talents or unique knowledge that you would like to share with the community, we would love to partner with you! Reach out to us via email at comserv@scarboroughmaine.org and we can discuss the possibilities of adding programs or events to our offerings. A Program Proposal Form is also available on our website for submission.

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