Thanks to Scarborough Library

To the editor,

This is a message of gratitude for all of those who helped host the weatherization workshop held at the Scarborough Public Library (SPL) on Saturday, Nov. 19. Steffi Cox, executive director of Project G.R.A.C.E. (, came up with the idea for a Snug It Up! workshop to educate the Scarborough community about home weatherization. Presenters discussed Efficiency Maine rebates (, easy ways to save energy, and heating resources. I passed along information about home heating assistance to some Mainers who didn’t know about the heating assistance that is available. Many seniors and others on fixed incomes may qualify for fuel assistance during what may be a winter of relatively high heating costs. For Cumberland County residents, contact Opportunity Alliance ( in South Portland) for more information about HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program). I am grateful for those who came together to host this workshop and provide essential information to our Scarborough community members. Special thanks to all those involved, including Steffi Cox, Lucy Jackson Norvell of SPL, Jami Fitch who is the Scarborough Sustainability coordinator, and all the presenters. I applaud the essential work of all these groups that helps our community to stay comfortably warm and snugged up this winter!

Marla Zando

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