You may have been walking your dog on the beach last weekend as temperatures climbed to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but don’t remove your snow tires just yet.

Maine weather forecasters are predicting 8-12 inches of snow along the Midcoast, accompanied by hazardous driving conditions this Thursday.

Locals can expect wet, heavy snowfall early Thursday morning, followed by lighter snow in the afternoon and evening that will stretch into Friday morning, according to News Center Maine.

Despite another significant snowfall, Midcoast town officials say their annual winter weather budget spending is on par with previous years, which they say is in part due to the length of time between storms.

It has been almost a month since the last big snowstorm hit the Midcoast.

Bath Public Works Director Lee Leiner said Bath is on par with its winter budget spending. He said the biggest concern this year has been freezing rain, sending contractors out to salt the roads rather than plow.


Brunswick has used about half of its salt budget, which is lower than usual for this time in the season, and 61% of its overtime budget for salt and snow removal contractors, according to Brunswick Public Works Director Jay Astle.

Topsham reported spending 75% of its salt budget, which is on par with past years, but saw an increase in its overtime for winter employees, already eating up 96% of what was budgeted.

Assistant Town Manager Mark Waltz said the overtime largely stemmed from the fact that Topsham had a full staff of snowplow drivers for the first time in years, and many of the significant snowstorms fell on holiday weekends, requiring holiday pay.

Bowdoinham Town Manager Nicole Briand said the town has spent about $108,850 — just over 50% of its annual winter weather budget.

“As always, I’m hoping for a mild March,” Briand said. “I’m looking forward to spring!”

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