The media is rife with reports of gun violence and the effects of the violence to and on our society. Over and over, the same rationale is used in the media to describe the reasons for the epidemic of gun violence in our society. But no one ever references how the epidemic of gun violence started or how it is being protected so it can continue to run amok in our society.
Gun manufacturers needed a market for the guns they were making. So they used their profits to take over the National Rifle Association, a small, insignificant pro-target shooting public relations operation, and turned it into a massive lobbying and public relations organization with a mandate of lobbying Congress and the federal regulatory agencies and the federal and state courts so guns could successfully be marketed with as little oversight and regulation as possible. It worked. It worked more successfully than the gun manufacturers ever imagined it could or would work. Today, the gun manufacturers are producing guns as fast as they can and making more profits on the sale of guns they manufacture than they ever imagined possible.
Let’s stop all the rationalizations for the reasons for gun violence in our society. Guns proliferate because gun manufacturers make and sell guns to anyone who wants to buy them because they, the gun manufacturers, want to make profits and they absolutely don’t care how they make the profits as long as they make them.
John Lavin
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