The Westbrook-Gorham Rotary Club last week unveiled at Riverbank Park a nearly $5,000 solar-powered charging pole for free public use. Westbrook Public Services installed the pole over the winter. Pictured at a ribbon cutting, from left, are Cecilia Estrada of Maine Community Bank, Rotary President Christine Johnson, Mayor Michael Foley, Rotary Secretary Scott Linscott, Public Services Operations Manager Arty Ledoux, Westbrook-Gorham Rotary President Elect Crystal Brown, and Rotary Vice President Phil Spiller. The club will gift Gorham a charging pole next year. Robert Lowell / American Journal

Westbrook schools receive music award

Westbrook’s K-12 music department has received the Dale Huff Award from the Maine Music Educators Association.

The award is named for a legendary music teacher from Millinocket who taught for over 40 years and strived to create an outstanding music education for his students.

“Upon his passing, his son, Scotty Huff, created this award to recognize a K-12 music program in the state of Maine who exemplifies the vision of his father,” Kyle Smith, Westbrook High School band director, said in a statement.

The Westbrook music department won the award due to many factors, according to Smith, including K-12 programming under the leadership of Suzanne Proulx. The high school and elementary student bands and choirs have put on over 45 performances each year and receive outstanding ratings from regional festivals and competitions.

The Westbrook music department has a history of excellence dating back more than 70 years. Educators have included Deulio Jack Manuel, Wes Kennedy, Ed Murphy, Don Doane, Norman Richardson, Terry White, George Bookataub, Phil Rich, Patrick McCarthy, Bob Quinn, Tony Boffa and Scott Trach.


Campbell earns top Girl Scout honor

Westbrook Girl Scout Mackinna Campbell earned a Gold Award for creating a civic lecture series to inform the youth of their importance in the voting process.


Campbell also assisted in a voter registration drive and, after learning that 16-year-olds can be poll workers, she enlisted high school seniors and juniors to work the polls.

“Campbell’s innovative approach was shared with Secretary of State Shenna Bellows for future program rollouts in other Maine municipalities to engage the next generation of youth voters,” the Girl Scouts of Maine said in a press release.

The Gold Award is the most prestigious honor a Girl Scout can earn by “completing a project that addresses a relevant community issue.”

Campbell received the award at the Girl Scouts of Maine annual celebration May 13.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on June 6, 1973, that Westbrook High School’s drama club, Sock ‘n Buskin’ Society, spent four days in New York City. They visited sites and took in some theater productions. Some even got Art Carney’s autograph.

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