My oh my, what a tough choice it was for then-Vice President Mike Pence: choosing between Donald Trump and the Constitution. After he called Dan Quayle for guidance, he boldly chose the Constitution! He found the courage to tweet that the violence should stop and the rioters leave the Capitol Building. Such bravery in the face of danger while secluded in the basement and surrounded by security is breathtaking … a real profile in courage.

There was hope for a split second, but after kowtowing to Trump for four years, he did it again and criticized the Justice Department for indicting Trump. As a registered Republican, I am astounded, not surprised, by the party’s aggressive response attacking and threatening the FBI, our intelligence community, the Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, special counsel Jack Smith, President Biden, etc.

With Pence, there’re no surprises. I doubt he has read the entire indictment. Maybe he should just go ahead and give Trump a medal of honor for exposing our national security secrets to his golf buddies.

Jack Smith is right: No one is above the law and everyone rightfully gets their day in court, where a jury of their peers will pass judgment based on the evidence, not politics. Trump will have his day in court. Thankfully, Pence does not have a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming president.

J. Edgar Moser III

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