Do you want a hard-working, capable, experienced Portlander representing you on the City Council? Let me tell you about Bill Linnell.

He’s a worker. After graduating from Colby, he immediately began to diverge from his father and grandfather’s career paths, both lawyers. He became a lobsterman, teacher, mentor for at-risk youth, town councilor in Cape Elizabeth, carpenter … the list goes on.

Linnell is genuinely caring and puts most people to shame with his daily acts of kindness and generosity. He mentors and cares for, in varying capacities, countless people.

He just loves people and walks the walk every day with a smile on his face. When he’s asked “How are you today?,” I’ve only ever heard him reply “The best day of my life!”

Bill’s strong character and willingness to tackle difficult problems, his tenacity and his genuine love for the people of Portland make him an excellent candidate to address the serious issues facing our city. Please vote for Bill Linnell as city councilor at large.

Bobbi Cope

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