There was a talk about Maine’s offshore wind (April 16) at the Brunswick Library and it blew my socks off! Jack Shapiro from Natural Resources Council of Maine explained how the plan is for floating offshore wind turbines to provide about 50% of the electric power Maine will need by 2040.

I was thrilled to learn that the Gulf of Maine has the strongest, most consistent winds in the world. Major energy companies are involved in building wind turbines, which pleases me because these companies are never going to give up mining fossil fuels unless they have a new way to make money. These turbines will be at least 44 miles off the Maine coast and they are not in fishing areas.
More great news is that experts predict offshore wind will provide between 10,000 to 30,000 new, good jobs for Mainers. More of our children will be able to have good careers without moving south. Offshore wind is already a well-developed technology that is being used off the coast of Scotland and elsewhere.

The most hopeful part of this wind story is the amount of energy the U.S. may be able to get from East Coast offshore wind. The Department of Energy says the goal is 30 gigawatts by 2030 and 110 GW by 2050. This will go a long way toward replacing fossil fuel use and will slow the progression of climate change and clean the air. Please tell our legislators to support the rapid development of offshore wind.

Nancy Hasenfus

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