I believe the anti-Catholic bias of your paper is well known. As always, when responding to your condemnations of my church and her clergy, I repeat that none of us denies the egregious crimes committed by a small number of priests against children, and we pray for healing for all victims.
Now comes a very significant event to us, the ordination and installation of a new bishop. Thousands watched by livestream, and the cathedral was packed. Excitement, joy and hope were palpable. Your May 12 Our View editorial seemed designed to cast, in your words, “a pall over the experience.”
Bishop Ruggieri was chosen by Pope Francis as bishop of Maine because of his dedication to Catholic social teaching of “the preferential option for the poor.” As a priest, he regularly drove a truck to bring food and necessities to the poor and the homeless. We will soon see how his commitment to the least among us will manifest as bishop.
We pray that Bishop Deeley will now be able to enjoy his retirement. Your relentless criticism of him betrays erroneous speculation and a stunning certitude about what he did or failed to do. Your comparison of our bishops is presumptuous, gratuitous and ill-informed.
I pray you will examine your hostility toward us and allow our new bishop to fulfill his duties without your constant, negative commentary.
Judith Pollock
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